It's ADHD Friendly

The Coach Hub Template - Organize Your Business

The Coach Hub Template - Organize Your Business

Is Your Business Scattered Across Different Platforms, Planners & Sticky Notes?

It might be so disorganized that some days you just want to burn it all down and start from scratch...

I've been there and yes, I've burned it all down and started over (several times), but nothing seemed to work until I started thinking about systems and processes for getting stuff done.  

Now I know where everything belongs and it makes "getting stuff done" SO much easier and less overwhelming.

Introducing The Coach Hub! 

This is my answer to the chronically disorganized coaching business.  Once I got this ADHD-friendly framework in place, I was able to align my focus to clear objectives and create a task system that works for my brain (and hopefully yours) because everything is only one click away from getting done.

What's Inside...

  • A Content Creation Database - to help you generate a consistent workflow for social media. 
  • A Business Dashboard - to help you track critical progress around finances, revenue and product development.
  • A detailed Project + Task Tracker - to help you stay on track with new initiatives in your business and bring in help as you grow.
  • A Business Objectives Tracker to help see your goal progress at a glance.
  • Structured Templates to help you think through how you will onboard new team members, how to create operating procedures and what to consider when creating a new product or service.
  • A Client CRM to store client info and also a place to collect testimonials.
  • A Strategic Planner to help you organize your tasks, structure your planning and review process and stay aligned to your goals.
  • BONUS - A Sneak Peak at all my systems that I use in my business, from how I structure my week, to how I grow my email list, make sales and more.

I created this template out of absolute necessity.

My coaching business was a disorganized mess.  So much so, that I was spending more time looking for things or recreating the wheel than I was actually working on my business.

As a coach with ADHD who also coaches people with ADHD, I need to have a simple organized system for tracking my business growth, storing important documents and communicating with clients.   So that's exactly what I created.

The Coach Hub Notion Template Will Help You...

  • Track important details like business goals, financial growth, and new product ideas.
  • Create content with ease and keep everything in one place.
  • Organize your tasks by project, team member, and more.
  • Provide structure for planning your week, month and quarter.
  • Think through the design of systems in your business.
  • Store all your important links, documents and ideas so that you never have to waste time searching for things, ever again.
Regular price $79.00 USD
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